Southwest Center for Law & Policy

Providing legal training and technical assistance to tribal communities and to organizations and agencies serving Native people.


National Tribal Trial College Online 40 hour course

July 18, 2022 – July 22, 2022

Partnership with the University of Wisconsin Law School

Madison, Wisconsin


Southwest Center for Law and Policy Executive Director, received the Ronald Wilson Reagan Public Policy Award at the National Crime Victims’ Service Awards Ceremony on April 12, 2019, in Washington, D.C.


National Tribal Trial College

Providing legal training and technical assistance to tribal communities and to organizations and agencies serving Native people.
  • What We Do

    • On-Site Training
    • Tribal Codes
    • Intergovernmental Agreements
    • Protocols under Memorandums of Understanding
    • Training and Technical Assistance
    • Legal Training
  • National Tribal Trial College

    The National Tribal Trial College Certificate in Tribal Court Legal Advocacy is a free, 6-month, skill building course empowering laypersons to practice law in Tribal Courts across the United States of America. 203 Tribal Court Legal Advocates representing 92 Tribes from 26 states have completed the intensive litigation Certificate in partnership with the United States Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women and the University of Wisconsin Law School.

    An Advanced Certificate in Tribal Court Legal Advocacy will again be offered in 2024.


    SAFESTAR is a unique model of care that draws upon the strength and resilience of Indigenous women to put an end to sexual violence, while also providing compassionate and holistic care for women and teens victims. Specifically selected and qualified Native women learn the skills necessary to:

    • Deliver emergency first aid to sexual assault survivors.
    • Provide referrals for follow-up care (medical or other).
    • Educate communities on the harm caused by sexual violence, as well as leading the way to healthy and respectful ways of living.
    • Collect sexual assault forensic evidence (“rape kits”) to promote accountability for the perpetrator.

    Sexual Assault Forensic Examinations, Support, Training, Access, and Resources

    Providing legal training and technical assistance to tribal communities and to organizations and agencies serving Native people.